Forest Operations > Operational Hazards > Power Hazards

Power Hazards

Power line Hazards

It is common for power lines to run along roadsides or through the middle of forests or plantation areas.

Powerlines should be marked on coupe/harvest plans, but when operating machinery you need to be constantly aware of what is overhead.

Serious injury or death by electrocution can result if the machine or any of its attachments are not kept a safe distance from high voltage electrical power lines.

In many cases, power will be turned off prior to the harvesting of trees nearby, therefore you need to know whether the power is on or off when operating near powerlines and remain cautious.

There are safe operating distances from powerlines:

There may be greater safety distances for particular sites which you should make yourself aware of and adhere to at all times.

If your machine comes in contact with live power lines and it is still mobile you should try and drive the machine clear.


Fig 21 Trees near power lines

If you don’t feel comfortable doing this, stay in the machine, and call for help.


Fig 22 Always request overhead powerlines height
documention when transporting high equipment

Never try to jump from the machine.

Figs 21 and 22 provide visual examples.


There will be a number of power hazards within the workshop of most companies due to the numerous power tools used for maintenance activities.

You need to be aware of the risks involved in using any equipment in the workshop before to using it.
