Forest Operations > Operational Hazards > Noise & Vibration

Noise & Vibration

Noise levels in forestry operations are often hazardous due to the use of chainsaws and heavy machinery.

Changes are often made to equipment and machinery to reduce noise levels as much as possible, however hearing protection may still be required.

Exposure to loud noises for any length of time, or exposure to quieter noises for extended periods can both impact on a person’s long term hearing.

Noise is measured in Decibels (dB), and when noise levels go above 85Db, hearing protection must be used to reduce the noise to safe levels.


Fig 20 This operator is playing it safe and wearing hearing protection.

If the noise in your work environment is making you uncomfortable, you may wish to wear hearing protection at other times as well ( to suit your own needs).

Vibration can also affect your level of comfort at work, and too much vibration can increase fatigue and lead to symptoms such as RSI in joints and limbs.

Job rotation can help in reducing these symptoms, as can regular rest breaks.

Table 12 gives you an idea of the noise levels related to different sounds.

Table 12

Table 12
