Forest Operations > Organisational Requirements > Safe and/or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's)

Safe and/or Standard Operating Procedures (SOP's)

An SOP is a written set of instructions detailing all of the safety steps to carry out an activity, process or procedure.

SOP’s should be stored in an organisation’s main office, and/or kept with tools equipment or machinery.

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s) are prepared for tools and pieces of equipment or machinery to provide all workers with information and instructions on what is needed to maintain, operate safely, clean and store tools, equipment or machinery.

The SOP will document maintenance times, the correct use and settings for tools, equipment and machinery.

SOP’s will also provide information for basic daily maintenance and the safe handling of cleaning substances.

For more information on handling substances or chemicals refer to the MSDS section.

Sample Safe Work Procedure for Entering and Exiting a Forest Machine

  1. Always face the machine entering or exiting (Fig 3a).

  2. Use 3 points of contact at all times by using hand holds and steps provided (Fig 3b).

  3. Steps and hand holds to be kept clean and in good working order.

  4. Always place the machine attachment on the ground before leaving the cab.

  5. Where possible, machines should be parked on clear level ground.

  6. Operators and other persons must not jump from machinery. (Fig 3c)

  7. DO NOT use controls or arm rest to assist entering or exiting the cabin.

  8. DO NOT carry hand tools or other items when entering or exiting.

Fig 3

Fig 3a

Fig 3

Fig 3b

Fig 3

Fig 3c Do not jump from machines.

It is important that if you see someone not following a Standard or Safe Operating Procedures, you stop them immediately before they are injured.

In the same way, if you think of a safer way of doing something then you should raise this with your supervisor so the new approach can be assessed for risk, and the procedure changed if appropriate.

Whenever safety is being compromised by any person or machinery, the operator is required to complete a hazard / incident report form.

Self Help Activity 6, Safe Operating Procedures

Skidder Activity

Download the activity by clicking the icon above. When completed please submit via the LMS or directly to your trainer.
