Forest Operations > Terminology



Accident An event which has occurred unexpectedly; usually causing injury or damage.
Conservation Zone Restricted areas that you are not allowed to enter
Coupe (Harvest Plan) A plan which is provided at the start of an operation which outlines any specific site hazards and any specific information regarding the treatment of a coupe/harvest area or particular sections of the site. Can also be known as harvest or logging plan
Compaction When the weight of heavy machinery/vehicles packs the soil tightly.  
Exclusion Zones An area which is highlighted on a coupe/harvest plan to be treated differently (as specified in the harvest plan).
Filter Strip Grassy area where water filters through as it runs down a slope
Hazard Something with potential to cause harm to a person, equipment, property, or the natural environment. This can include things such as chemical substances, plant, work areas, live electricity, work process and/or other aspects of the work environment.
Hierarchy of control Lists risk control measures in decreasing order of effectiveness.
Incident Any unplanned event that may injure a person, or cause damage to property or the environment.
Log Extraction Tracks Tracks and roads that Log/Chip trucks use to enter and exit the forest area
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet for fuels, oils and other substances
Near Miss An instance which could have lead to an injury or damage, but has been narrowly avoided.
Plant Describes all types of machines and fixed equipment. Does not include office furniture or any portable item unless the item might contain or produce a “substance” as defined below.
PPE Personal Protective Equipment designed to be used by an individual to protect them self against injury.
Risk A combination of the likelihood and severity of harm that might arise from a hazard.
Risk assessment The process used to evaluate the likelihood and severity of harm that might arise from a hazard.
Risk control The implementation of measures that act to reduce risks from a hazard.
Substance A material that includes, but is not limited to, a cleaning agent and any type of liquid, fluid, powder, gas, solvent, and pesticide.

