Forest Operations > Environmental Care Principles > Rubbish


Rubbish can have very bad effects on water ways and soil quality.

As rubbish breaks down, chemicals are released to the environment or the rubbish itself travels in waterways and ends up in reservoirs.

Some rubbish may not break down for several years and it pollutes the environment over long periods.

Rubbish must be removed from the site during logging operations.

This includes any personal rubbish, empty fuel and oil drums and materials, and oil / fuels that are used for servicing vehicles.

Fuel is to be transported in a way that avoids any spill or leak, and refill sites should not be located near bodies of water.

While carrying out service and repairs, no oil or fuel is to be spilt onto the soil, surface or ground water.

Unfortunately, as Figure 60 demonstrates, household rubbish is often found at work sites. This should be reporterd so at least a cleanup can be organised.


Fig 60 Household rubbish should not be dumped in forests.

People will cop a large fine if they are caught dumping rubbish in any Australian forest.

It is your duty to report it if you see anyone doing so while you are in the forest working at the time.
