Conduct Skidder Operations
Unit FPIHAR3204B:
Conduct skidder operations
Forest Operations > Conduct Skidder Operations > Skidder Operation

Grapple Skidder

The skidder is one of the important front line machines in the timber harvesting process.

Its job role is to skid / snig cut trees and stems to a landing site to be transported by trucks for further processing.

The skidder operator keeps felled whole trees or logs up to a processing system that can be clear felling plantation forests, thinning of plantation forests and / or selective thinning of native forests.

As a learner operator, and before you attempt any technical operational tasks, you should get to know the basic characteristics of the skidder such as:

This simulation to become familiar with the machine should be carried out on level terrain, and in a secured open area. 

When manoeuvring the machine though the forest it is important to look out for and avoid hazards such as:

The operator will have to perform tasks such as:

The operator will also have to manage the snigging sequence of product out of the forest.

Fig 2 Tigercat E620C Grapple skidder

Fig 1 Tigercat E620C Grapple skidder

The following points are some key considerations aiming to meet quotas and / or making the required time lines manageable: