Conduct Skidder Operations
Unit FPIHAR3204B:
Conduct skidder operations
Forest Operations > Conduct Skidder Operations > Maintaining the Skidder

Environmental Issues

Effects on the Environment

For most of mankind’s existence, the environment has been taken for granted, both as a source of food, clothing and shelter, and as a place for our waste.

During the past few decades however, many people have become aware of the effects of these activities on the environment.

Human and Natural Environments:

The human environment includes all things manufactured, such as buildings and roads, as well as the different activities that people do in the environment such as driving cars, playing sport, reading and sleeping.

If what you are doing affects any of these things or activities, you are having an impact on the human environment.

The natural environment includes the physical characteristics of any area such as:

In whatever activity you are performing, you are having an impact on the natural environment. 

Figs 21a.
Fig 22a Extreme soil erosion Fig 22b. Extreme soil erosion

Maintenance and the Environment

Fuelling, oiling and greasing of the skidder must not be performed in environmental exclusion zones (e.g.) swamps, creeks, rivers, filter strips and flora and fauna restricted areas. 

All empty oil drums, grease cartridges, blown or damaged hydraulic hoses, used fittings, spare parts (etc) must be taken out of the bush and disposed of at an authorised waste disposal depot.

Wet land areas such as in figure 23a, must not have a fuelling up or service site made on, or near them. 

An accidental fuel or oil spill will have detrimental effects on the water system for many years into the future.

If there is an accidental spill, procedures and protocols must be put into action immediately.

The site spill kit must be used to stop any spread of the substance; and the appropriate authorities notified.


Fig 22a Fig 22b Spill kit
Fig 23a Environmental exclusion zone Fig 23b Spill kit

A small quantity of spilt oil or fuel will contaminate a large area of waterways.

Fig 22c. Pristine river system

Fig 23c Pristine river system

1st Activity Machine Maintenance and Components

Skidder Activity

Download the activity by clicking the icon above. If the activity is slow to open right click the icon and select "Save Target As" and save the file to your computer before opening.

When complete please follow the instructions of your trainer\assessor or check your answers at the back of the Learner Guide.

2rd Activity Machine Maintenance and Components

Skidder Activity

Download the activity by clicking the icon above. If the activity is slow to open right click the icon and select "Save Target As" and save the file to your computer before opening.

When complete please follow the instructions of your trainer\assessor or check your answers at the back of the Learner Guide.