Conduct Skidder Operations
Unit FPIHAR3204B:
Conduct skidder operations
Forest Operations > Conduct Skidder Operations > Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) Requirements

Compressed Air

It is highly dangerous to misuse, or fool around with compressed air.

Compressed air equipment is to be found on almost every service vehicle on a forest operation.

In the dry dusty months of the year, it is one other everyday features of servicing the skidder.

There are a number of ways in which compressed air can be used safely, but it is often used in other ways that are unsafe.

It is more difficult to realise the dangerous force of compressed air.

The temptation to use a compressed air gun to clean down a machine of bark and dirt, or to dust yourself down should be avoided.

Fooling around with compressed air guns can cause serious injuries which may even result in death.

It is far safer to clean bark and dirt off the machine with a shovel/fire rake, and then use a broom and is just as quick and effective and is much safer.

Compressed air should be used with care and respect when blowing down air cleaners, radiators, windows and machine cabins.

Fig 18

Fig 18

When using compressed air, the correct PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) such as gloves, safety glasses and in some circumstances hearing protection must be worn at all times to avoid serious injuries or death.

When compressed air is used to blow down machine components, particles of dirt and sharp fragments are thrown up into the air.

The pressure necessary to remove the particles from the machine is strong enough to blow them into eyes, ears, or the skin of people nearby. 

The greatest danger in dusting a person down lies in accidental injury to the eyes, ears, nostrils and rectum.

If the air enters a scratch or puncture in the skin, however small, it can cause the limb, or effected part, to swell to alarming proportions; accompanied by severe pain.

If the air is forced into the bloodstream it can make its way into the small blood vessels of the brain, bursting the vessels and causing death. 

It has been estimated that a pressure of only (27.58 kpa) – (4 lb per square inch) may rupture the bowels.

Compressed air must be handled with care and respect.

Fooling around with air guns, however innocently it may begin, may end with the most disastrous consequences.

It may be funny to direct a jet of air at a fellow worker, but this has been known to produce severe internal injury resulting in death.

Horseplay or fooling around with compressed air should not be tolerated on any work site.    

Refer to the short film clip on air safety at the following link:

Air Safety Activity

Skidder Activity

Download the activity by clicking the icon above. If the activity is slow to open right click the icon and select "Save Target As" and save the file to your computer before opening.

When complete please follow the instructions of your trainer\assessor or check your answers at the back of the Learner Guide.